Monday, December 7, 2009
Sperry Boat Shoes - The Perfect Casual Shoe Adored By Many Americans
Sperry Boat Shoes Mean Style - How many shoes do you know of that have lasted for over 70 years? Probably not many. But one of those enduring styles of shoes are the Sperry Boat shoes. You can't go wrong wearing these while going out to a nice dinner if paired with the right jeans. And you'll look totally in place when you're on a boat. It's hard to replicate this cool and casual style with so many other shoes that seem to try too hard. For Sperry Boat shoes, it's just effortless.
Sperry Boat Shoes Are Enduring - These shoes aren't designed just to make money. They're designed so that they can put up with the conditions on a boat and to perform well in a variety of conditions. The amount of attention that goes into making them is superb and the quality is always high. You can confirm this by browsing through the thousands of reviews available on these popular shoes. What's so surprising is that they end up becoming a memento - a piece of history for whoever has worn them.
Sperry Is A Reputable Brand - Boat shoes have been duplicated over the years - there's no denying that. But the original is always going to be the best. Sperry boat shoes are all about performance - not just style. This means you know you're wearing a brand that is as useful as it is stylish. Sperry boat shoes are created by a company of people passionate about being on the water and the ocean lifestyle.
Sperry Boat Shoes Are Piece of Americana - Sperry boat shoes have their own American story behind them. Created by Paul Sperry in 1935, these shoes were inspired by his dog Prince who was able to run over ice and snow. As far as American stories, the man who made a fortune out of admiration for his dog is inspiring. Unlike many other shoes, the Sperry boat shoes are an American original. And they represent the lifestyle that we all want - spending a relaxing day on a boat with friends and family that we love.
You can't go wrong with a pair of Sperry Boat Shoes. They're a smart look for both men and women who want to emulate a timeless style. Visit Cheap Sperry Shoes today to find out how to get almost 50% off on a pair of Sperry Boat Shoes. Click here for other unique boat shoes articles.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
An Extended Auto Warranty Can Cut Down On Out Of Pocket Car Expenses
Direct Pay Option - The last thing you want to do when your car needs repairs is pay a huge sum of money out of pocket just to keep it running. That's why purchasing an extended auto warranty where the warranty company pays the repair shop directly is a smart move. You don't want to face a situation where you pay a bunch of money out of pocket only to find out that you're not going to get a reimbursement.
Don't Buy It Immediately - Car salespeople are really good at putting on the pressure at the time of sale. They know they only have that one chance to upsell you on upgrades. They'll even go so far to tell you that you can only buy a warranty at the time of purchase. This is not true at all! You can buy the auto warranty at your convenience. Just make sure to buy it soon after your car as a caution against rising prices.
Benefits Included - If you're going to be shelling out money each month to cover your extended auto warranty, you want to make sure there are extra benefits beyond just repairs. After all, what are you going to do when your car is in the shop and needs repairs? You'll need a rental car to get to the shop and home. But if your auto warranty doesn't cover that, you're left with more out of pocket expenses.
Check The Comprehensiveness of Coverage - Some extended auto warranty coverage is limited to mechanical breakdown. While this is a great option for people who don't drive much, it's a potentially expensive policy for people who drive often. If your company is excluding general wear and tear repairs, you're setting yourself up for having to pay the type of expenses you wanted to avoid.
Shop Online For The Best Coverage - Online buying isn't just limited to ebay and Amazon. Plenty of companies will allow you to pick out the best policy for your car from the comfort of your living room. The best part of this is that you're going to end up paying much less for the warranty than you would if you bought it at the dealership. Any time you work with a middleman, you're increasing the amount you're going to have to pay.
One myth that you'll come across often when looking for the best auto warranty is that it's expensive. Well that isn't the case at all! Find out by getting your FREE, instant, and absolutely no obligation quote by visiting right now. Don't reprint this article. Instead, reprint a free unique content version of this same article.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Lijiang Travel - One Spot In China You Can't Miss
I'm looking forward to the posts that he creates. Hopefully he'll be able to meet his goal of traveling there and sharing posts from Lijiang!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Leica Disto D5 - Stop Screwing Up Your Home Improvement Projects Because Of Bad Measurements
Easy To Read Full Color Display
Want to save money on construction mistakes? Then you absolutely need a laser rangefinder. But even other rangefinders can go wrong when they have screens that are impossible to read in the bright sunlight, when most projects take place. But the Disto D5 was designed to spare you that nightmare. When you go into zoom on objects, you'll be able to see everything, including the laser, easily in all conditions.
The Answer To All Measuring Mistakes
One of the greatest features of the Leica Disto D5 is its Power Range Technology that's built in. Basically, this means you can be about 600 feet away from whatever you're measuring and still get an accurate number. What does this mean in real terms? No more standing on ladders or putting yourself in dangerous situations just for home improvement. This feature alone is worth checking out if not just for the cool factor.
Save Your Measurements As You Go
Lots of written mistakes can happen on a construction job. The whole process is more numbers than it is construction sometimes. Want to avoid human error? The Leica Disto D5 can help because it actually keeps track of the measurements you're taking as you go along. Then, when it's time for you to write things down, you'll have a solid record of what you did. For someone like me who mixes up numbers easily, this is the answer to my prayers!
There's one more thing you have to know about the Leica Disto D5. Not only is this laser rangefinder powerful, it's also easy to use. Leica designed with a simple enough interface where all the most commonly used functions are highlighted for you. What does this mean? No more wanting to break the gadget that you just spent a pretty penny on. You can't put a price on the frustration you'll be saved!
Need to know more information about the Leica Disto D5? Then go ahead and visit my site where I'll give you even more insider information on this powerful handheld laser rangefinder. Remember, this one little gadget can save you thousands of dollars and wasted time unlike many other gadgets out there.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Lomo Fisheye Camera - One Of The Coolest Lomo Cameras You Could Ever Own
You Can Get Super Close
One of the advantages of the Lomo Fisheye camera is how close you can get to whatever you want to take a picture of. And you have to do this if you want to get the best picture. You can't use the Fisheye like you would any other camera. Otherwise, your pictures will have a cool effect but you won't be able to see much of what is happening. But when you get in super close, you get to see ordinary items in completely different ways.
The Perfect Out Of The Box Thinking Camera
To get the best pictures, you have to look at your subject much differently than you would with a normal camera. Get below your subject. Get above it. Circle around it. Approach it from every different angle. The Lomo Fisheye camera makes you think outside the box as a photographer and helps you grow. Make sure to put yourself in as many positions as possible if you find something cool to take a photo of. The Fisheye will take care of the rest.
Use Cross Processing To Blow Your Mind
Have you ever heard of cross processing? It's one of those awesome techniques photographers use when they want more punch to their photos. Well, you can do the same with a Lomo Fisheye camera too. All you need to do is buy some slide film, take a bunch of photos, and then get the film developed in regular C-41 chemicals. When the pictures come out, you'll be surprised what happens!
I've got a bonus tip for you. When you've finished shooting a roll through your Lomo Fisheye camera, you want to rewind it and then take the film and fun it through another camera. Try the LC-A or one of my all time favorites, the Olympus XA (one of the best cameras you'll ever find!) and see what happens. You'll get double exposures that look like an abstract masterpiece - all from your favorite things!
Love toy cameras and want to learn more about the Lomo Fisheye Camera? Then I invite you to stop by my site today to read my Lomo Fisheye Camera review where you'll learn some tips and tricks for making this camera shine.
Belkin WiFi Phone - 3 Underground Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Buy A WiFi Phone
Say Goodbye To Contracts
I know I'm not the only one who hates cell phone contracts. In fact, when I lived in China, most people talked about how great it was to just be able to prepay for your minutes. Then, when you ran out, you just bought more. It's easy and it works for everyone. But the USA has to complicate things needlessly and annoy us with cell phone company commercials too. Spare yourself the hassle and use a wifi phone so you can get off the contract and be free.
Keep In Touch Even While In Kazakhstan
Are you one of the many people who love to travel but hate the details? Have you ever been frustrated of not being able to connect with friends and family while traveling abroad? A Wifi phone is one of the few answers to that problem without spending a fortune. No matter what country you go to, you can find a wifi access point. Flip on your Belkin Wifi phone and make your call - it's as easy as that. Plus, you're going to spend a whole lot less than you would with any other phone service because of Skype.
Put Your High Speed Internet To Work For You
Stop losing out on the potential benefits of your high speed Internet. Using your Belkin Wifi phone, you can connect to your wifi at home and talk as much as you want. It doesn't matter what time of day or anything like that. It's ridiculous to pay crazy long distance rates when everything can be done over an Internet proxy. Making this change alone will save you tons of money.
You're not always going to find cell phone gadgets that are easy to use and save you money. It's a rare combination for sure. Just the freedom you'll feel being away from the major cell phone companies is a dream come true. Yes, the phone does lose charge quickly but as long as you carry the charger with you, you're going to have no problems whatsoever.
Not sure if you're ready to invest in a Belkin Wifi phone? Head on over to my site where you can read my Belkin Wifi phone review and learn why it's my favorite gadget of all time - and why it will be yours too.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Unique Article Wizard Review - I Got Sick Of Never Getting Any Website Traffic
Then I realized it was because I didn't have a solid link building strategy. That's where Unique Article Wizard comes in.
There's No Escaping Backlinks
Not only does your website need links to it - it needs link targeting your choice keywords. Unique Article Wizard lets you do this easier than any other method you can imagine. Trust me, I know. There used to be a day when a few articles at the top directories could gain you tons of traffic. But no longer! You need to invest either your time or money in order to get those backlinks. The smartest way to invest that money? Unique Article Wizard for sure.
It's Not Really The Uniqueness That Matters
While I know a lot of people love the idea of the unique content that Unique Article Wizard provides, the real strength is in the drip feeding of content. If you sign up for other article services, all those articles are blasted at the same time. If you have a low Page Rank, Google will be suspicious. But if just a few articles are posted per day, it doesn't seem that suspicious. You have to think smart like this. Fortunately, Unique Article Wizard does the thinking for you.
Unique Article Wizard Can Be Scaled
A tool is only as good of how it can be scaled and be used for larger purposes. Since there's no cap on the amount of articles you can submit to Unique Article Wizard, you're already in the winning zone. But what makes it better is that signing up for directories, pen names, and more are so easy to do. It's almost ridiculous how simple it makes the whole process. Imagine how great it would be feel to have your first week of 100 submitted articles (you can do it!) and seeing sites all over getting tons of traffic.
There's gotta be something bad about Unique Article Wizard...
Ultimately, it's up to a lot of the directory owners to decide whether they want to list you or not. This can take a while. Also, the links you get may not always be high quality. However, there are ways around this if you know what you're doing. But ultimately, Unique Article Wizard is an investment if there ever were one.
Frustrated because you just read another Unique Article Wizard review and don't understand if it's something you want? Visit me today so I can answer your questions on how to become most successful by being a Unique Article Wizard power user!
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Healthy Relationship With Food: Top 7 Benefits Of A Healthy Relationship With Food
Developing a healthy relationship with food may not seem as flashy as dropping 10 pounds in one week. It may not even have the appeal of the latest Oprah fad diet product (which still hasn't solved her mindless eating troubles by the way) but it has something even more important. It works.
Here are the top 7 reasons to make the switch to focusing on your relationship with food.
1. You'll feel more connected to food: The things we connect with are things we can feel good about. Being buried under emotions like fear, doubt, and worry means you feel powerless and out of control. The source of this? Not seeing that you and food are deeply connected. It is the source of life that keeps you going each and every day. Food should be a source of empowerment, not negativity.
3. It directs your future behaviors: When you know you're connected, you know what to do next. You're in a relationship with food that cares and nurtures you. When you have this positive feeling, you can choose behaviors that make you feel even better. Care about food and your body will care for you.
4. It tells you when you need help: If you've been making unhelpful choices in the long term, seeing the relationship shows where the give and take has been happening. There is nothing wrong with you that has stopped you from eating well. It's only been the disconnection. When you feel your relationship straining, you can start to fix it rather than feel overwhelmed by it.
5. It focuses your attention: Seeing your relationship with food gives you the power to ask "How are food and I doing today?" The ability to do this means catching problems before they even begin. When you feel yourself falling out of balance with food, putting your attention on it lets you do whatever it takes to put the balance back.
6. It closes your mind to advertising: TV commercials have had more power telling us what to eat than we have had ourselves. What you decide to eat is ultimately up to your relationship with food and yourself. Foster a positive relationship with food and you won't freak out when you see a fast food or pizza delivery commercial on tv anymore.
7. It improves your relationship with the world: When you gain control over one area of your life, you feel empowered. Taking steps to improve your whole life is a big project. Finding one area of life such as your relationship with food, applying spiritual and success principles to it, and then seeing results makes changing the big picture even easier.
And to learn more about making healthy eating an easy, effortless, and enjoyable part of your life I invite you to receive your FREE Report "The 10 Mistakes That Are Sabotaging Your Relationship With Food" when you visit
You'll start learning the myths, traps, and problem spots that keep you from the body you desire.
From Jeffrey Harold - The Eating In The Now Teacher
Monday, February 16, 2009
Hidden DVR Camera - Spy Gadgets Just Get Cooler and Cooler
But now that I've been looking up spy gadgets online, I feel like I'm the lost character from Alias! One of the coolest finds is a hidden DVR camera. The easiest way to look at it is like a TiVo that can record your life and find people in the act- as long as it's placed strategically.
I've been wondering where you would put this hidden DVR camera so that it was completely unassuming. I guess somewhere in the living room? Or on a bookshelf somewhere? It's a tough call! I guess it's wherever you think suspicious activity is happening.
I love that the whole machine is completely wireless and unassuming. Yet it can record for days if used properly. Yikes! I'm glad I'm not causing any trouble around someone who knows these gadgets. (Am I causing trouble? Hmm... not so sure about that!)
But there's more information about them than I can share here but I did want to share this resource with you
Hidden DVR Camera | Hidden Spy DVR | Video Surveillance For Peace Of Mind
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Cell Phone Spy Supplies: Gadgets For A Failing Economy
Well, this economy is about the biggest stress that people have had to face in a while.
Jobs used to feel secure - not that they WERE, but they sure felt that way. When that type of security is taken away from them, their behaviors will change. In fact, it's pointed out well in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. If we don't have security, concentrating on love and positive feelings aren't exactly possible. Doing whatever it takes to survive is possible though.
That's why I see the necessity of cell phone spy supplies. If it's your behavior that's changing, causing your loved ones to lie to you, then you need to know this stuff. In fact, finding out might be the best thing to happen to you. With the truth comes the ability to change yourself if you're ready.
I know it seems a little bit devious to use devices like this but if you're not doing anything wrong, is it bad if someone wants to find this stuff out? I sure don't know!
But you can decide for yourself at
Cell Phone Spy Supplies | SIM Card Spy | Uncover Secrets and Lies With Cell Phone Spy Supplies
Sunday, February 8, 2009
My Celebrity Teeth Whitening - Why Is It Taking So Long?!?!
Unfortunately our eyes can often deceive us. You've heard that we're our own worst judges- and this is absolutely true in the case of teeth whitening. Here's the best strategy to deal with these teeth whitening blues:
Take A Picture, Leave Them Alone:
What I want you to do is to take a picture right now if you've started to whiten your teeth. You want to take the picture without using the flash and in good natural light. It might be best to do this outside.
Then, for 30 days, don't obsess over your teeth. I know how hard that might sound. But a little faith and determination here will go a long way. Do whatever it takes to take your mind off your teeth. Practice yoga, Go for a run. Meet up with friends. Read a good book (it doesn't have to be something literary - it can be a cheesy romance novel!).
Just don't obsess.
Then, 30 days later, take a picture and you'll be surprised at the difference. For more dramatic results, you want to avoid things like coffee, tea, and smoking during those 30 days. Having faith is the best thing you can ask for in this situation.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Movie Star White Teeth - You've Gotta Love The Compliments
Today I was standing outside with one of my coworkers who is very particular about fashion, beauty, and grooming. He notices every little detail. When he told me that my teeth were looking really white, he wondered how I did it.
I guess it's because I've been finding these great sites online to teach me more about teeth whitening. I feel lucky that I don't smoke or drink coffee - those are the two worst if you're trying to have teeth you want to show off to the world.
Why show them off? Because it could make the difference between a relationship and staying in with your friends Ben and Jerry. That's what I learned from reading Jenny G's post on Squidoo.
You can read it here at:
Teeth Whitening - How To Get Movie Star White Teeth Painlessly
Monday, February 2, 2009
My New Internet Find - Teeth Whiting Products For Success!
My favorite thing is to read stories about people who have changed their lives for the better. The guy in the Squidoo lens - Robby L - he sounds a lot like me. Except he has his dream job now! I'm still waiting for that to happen.
I can't believe it's been so long since I've updated my finds. I'll have to keep up with this more. But for now, here's my latest find:
Teeth Whiting Products - What To Choose For Celebrity White Teeth