Developing a healthy relationship with food may not seem as flashy as dropping 10 pounds in one week. It may not even have the appeal of the latest Oprah fad diet product (which still hasn't solved her mindless eating troubles by the way) but it has something even more important. It works.
Here are the top 7 reasons to make the switch to focusing on your relationship with food.
1. You'll feel more connected to food: The things we connect with are things we can feel good about. Being buried under emotions like fear, doubt, and worry means you feel powerless and out of control. The source of this? Not seeing that you and food are deeply connected. It is the source of life that keeps you going each and every day. Food should be a source of empowerment, not negativity.
3. It directs your future behaviors: When you know you're connected, you know what to do next. You're in a relationship with food that cares and nurtures you. When you have this positive feeling, you can choose behaviors that make you feel even better. Care about food and your body will care for you.
4. It tells you when you need help: If you've been making unhelpful choices in the long term, seeing the relationship shows where the give and take has been happening. There is nothing wrong with you that has stopped you from eating well. It's only been the disconnection. When you feel your relationship straining, you can start to fix it rather than feel overwhelmed by it.
5. It focuses your attention: Seeing your relationship with food gives you the power to ask "How are food and I doing today?" The ability to do this means catching problems before they even begin. When you feel yourself falling out of balance with food, putting your attention on it lets you do whatever it takes to put the balance back.
6. It closes your mind to advertising: TV commercials have had more power telling us what to eat than we have had ourselves. What you decide to eat is ultimately up to your relationship with food and yourself. Foster a positive relationship with food and you won't freak out when you see a fast food or pizza delivery commercial on tv anymore.
7. It improves your relationship with the world: When you gain control over one area of your life, you feel empowered. Taking steps to improve your whole life is a big project. Finding one area of life such as your relationship with food, applying spiritual and success principles to it, and then seeing results makes changing the big picture even easier.
And to learn more about making healthy eating an easy, effortless, and enjoyable part of your life I invite you to receive your FREE Report "The 10 Mistakes That Are Sabotaging Your Relationship With Food" when you visit
You'll start learning the myths, traps, and problem spots that keep you from the body you desire.
From Jeffrey Harold - The Eating In The Now Teacher